Thursday, May 5, 2011

Interesting Bredo Phish..

Sending MTA:, Wed,  4 May 2011 08:31:43 +0000 (UTC)
From: FBI <> (not real, duuh)
Subject: You visit illegal websites
Body: Sir/Madam,we have logged your IP-address on more than 40 illegal Websites. Important: Please answer our questions!The list of questions are attached. pj  aom  vf
Guess what's attached... (9a2bb7c1cfd069e4db5e7d46dadce561) containing document.exe (bd3648a60c4c4760db19bba544c2e8d2)

I found this one interesting because most messages attempting to spread a Bredo variant have been something regarding undeliverable UPS, DHL, or FedEx packages, or your credit card was just billed $700.. Now, you get notified that the FBI wants you to fill out a survey to explain your web browsing habits. Nice change of pace. :)

So sad that this works still.

1 comment:

  1. Niiiiice! When it comes to humans and the stupidity factor I fear we will continue to lose. I wish there were an easier solution for giving people ROM based OS's...


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